Express Your Art with Faema, the Legendary Brand
The FAEMA coffee machine is the tool that allows you to set your passion for coffee in motion and enhance your artistic skills.
Your customers, your production needs, and your staff’s expertise determine different equipment requirements. We’ll help you choose the right FAEMA machine.

The traditional machines are, together with the grinder-doser, the most common equipment in cafés, coffee houses, and restaurants around the world.
In addition to their impressive design and functional capabilities, this collection of FAEMA Traditionals stand out with respect to their superior technical characteristics.

The Super-Automatic collection of espresso machines from FAEMA can do it all – at the touch of button. They will prepare a cup of coffee, starting from the fresh-roasted coffee bean, with ease. These turn-key coffee solutions are engineered for superior performance – cup after delicious cup.

The semi-professional machines are used to prepare espressos using pods or capsules. These one-group semi-professional, semi-automatic espresso coffee machine are generally used for small production needs.

Grinders & Accessories
Coffee accessories are used to grind the coffee beans and measure the ground coffee. Accessories are generally used in combination with the coffee machines.
Not sure what you need?
Fill out the form below to get in touch with our sales team! You can also email us directly at newfrontiercoffee@gmail.com